Jumat, 26 Mei 2017

"Something with My Husband“

Lagu ini saya tuliskan ketika saya sedang worshop dan praktek komputer, pulang kerumah materi catatan saya baca lagi, akhirnya saya dapat ide dan inspirasi untuk menuliskan Lirik lagu dengan judul : "Something with My Husband“
selamat menikmati Lirik Lagu yang saya tulis, semoga bermanfaat ya
Song Lyrics :
"Something with My Husband“
H. Saragih

I am your wife, wanna tell you
You are my username
You are my password
Because something you know
You are my Best Game Hero

I am your spouse, wanna tell you
You are my smart card
You are my keywords
Because something you have
You are my Fastest Super Computer

I am your partner, wanna tell you
You are my finger print
You are my face recognition
Because something you are
You are Largest Data Center

Reff :

Something you know
Something you have
Something you are
You are My Love Husband live with me in Love Connection
You are My Love Husband live with me in Information Love
Live with Love Information about us forever more